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21 000 - 29 400 zł
Quantum Engineer
@apreel Python IBM Q Google Quantum Rigetti PyTorch Shor's Grover's Keras TensorFlow Julia C++
12 000 - 20 000 zł
Frontend Developer - Vue.JS
@ENGINEARCH sp. z o.o. Vue.js JavaScript HTML CSS React.js Angular Svelte Docker Ruby on Rails Ruby
13 000 - 18 000 zł
Fullstack Developer (Node.js)
@LINGUA HOUSE sp. z o.o. TypeScript Node.js React.js MongoDB JavaScript SQL Docker Kubernetes Meteor Redis macOS
20 000 - 28 000 zł
Test Engineer with German
@cloudatus German Test Automation Performance testing UI testing integration testing Git Agile
20 000 - 28 000 zł
MLOps Engineer with German
@cloudatus German Machine Learning IaC/Terraform LLMs Kubernetes Databricks e-Powertrain FOTA/POTA
20 000 - 28 000 zł
Fullstack Engineer with German
@cloudatus German React GitLab Express.js JavaScript TypeScript AWS Agile Java Sprint Boot
20 000 - 28 000 zł
DevOps Engineer with German
@cloudatus German Go GitLab AWS Java Python IT Security Web-interface Agile
20 000 - 28 000 zł